Life’s Reflections: Weather. traffic. What’s going on?

KODAK Digital Still See those leaves starting to sprout through the snow (on the left) that fell Sunday morning? Hopefully spring is on its way and quickly. (Linda Moody photo)

I cannot believe Ohio weather this year. It’s nice not having lots of snow, but yet it makes you wonder what is the rest of the year going to be like.

Hopefully for the rest of 2023, there will be more seasonal type weather than what this winter has been. I woke up yesterday to see the top part of my car covered with snow but not my driveway. Yet, across the street, I saw that snow was not only on car windshields but in the neighbors’ yards and along the curbs.

Some green leaves have already popped up in the flower bed-like area I have at my front door just as they have every spring that I’ve lived here. But this is a little too early, don’t you think? Oh wait, spring officially begins in four days. How time flies!

I guess we just have to live with what we get no matter what life throws at us.

Speaking about living, some people know that I almost collided into the side of a semi this past Wednesday, when it drove through the intersection at State Routes 49 and 47. I posted it on Facebook because I wanted people to be aware and on the lookout for things that could happen to them.

I tried to remain calm but I don’t know what was going through my head at the time because the incident shocked me.

Why would that driver do that?

The driver should have seen my car coming toward him/her (whatever the case may be), but when I got closer to where the impact would have occurred with my car in cruise control mode, the truck was in the other lane of traffic which allowed me to get by without incident in the proper lane.

I had Someone looking over me and my passenger that day, and He’s the one I personally thanked for sparing us.

The same day that the semi incident occurred, I was headed to Greenville from Union City when I was nearing the northwest curve of Coletown. A truck was headed toward my car, when a smaller car passed it and just barely made it into the other side of the road before I approached. What’s going on?

If nothing else, I will just have to be even more alert when I’m behind the wheel. I sure don’t want to be the fault party in a traffic accident. I couldn’t live with myself if I did.

For a long time, I didn’t wear a seat belt because I felt restricted, but I have been in recent years and happy to do so.

I don’t think I will ever forget March 8, 2023. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to striking another vehicle. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in accidents before, but in both of those cases, I was struck by a vehicle on the right-hand side which had run their respective stop signs.

I admit that I’ve made some mistakes in my driving, but not to the point of nearly injuring or killing someone.

Motorists have to learn to be more attentive while driving, which I’m glad I was that day, so as to prevent any horrible results in the future.

For the past three years or so, I’ve been using my cruise control because I was cited for speeding and knew I had to do something in order to not get cited again.

Well, my biggest complaint there is, and I’ve said it before, are vehicles passing me by right and left and there is no law enforcement around then.

Whatever it takes, I will follow the rules the best I can.

Because that’s the way I roll (no pun intended).

Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Donald Rismiller, Maxine Waymire, Daniel “Buzz” Nealeigh, Doug Leis, Ryan Younce, Leo Joseph Hart, Cheryl Kay (Hartzell) Puissant, June McCracken and Steven Ganger.
Please pray for these people: Albert Duncan, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, John Riegle, Michelle Grottle Wright, Cheryl Slonaker Gilmore, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Carson Robbins, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Marie Schlechty, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Bev Brumbaugh, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Abby Heck, Linda Lore, Ralph Byrd, Beverly McCabe Baker, Doug Winger, Rusty Maloy, Debbie Mayse, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Jeanie Francis, Noah Back, Mary Moran, Harvey Hinshaw, Bruce Kaiser, Angie Brown, Nikole Baldridge, Amanda Mote, Tom Moody, Gary Francis, Anthony and Theresa Grillot, Lee Everhart, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, Kinley Bernard, D’Arleen Waymire, Tish Hodson Shepherd, Zach Urbancic.
Also, Sharon Gamster, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Carol Hemmerich, Sharon Hummel, Dave Hinshaw, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Michael Mowery, Kenny Edwards, Judie Hathaway, Della Burch, Ned and Brenda Wallace, Connie Buemi Hodson, Rick Marker, Randy Garrison, Steve Waymire, Warren Menchhofer, Gary Knick, Karen Hecht, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Danny Foster, Noella Combs, Clay Sheffer, Becky Everhart, Marie Rieman, Becky Oliver, Jayden Martin, Stefani Priest, Steve Neff, James Enicks, Joann Freeman, Cathy Collins Peters, Donna Bixler, Vanna Hannam, Linda Subler, Roger McEowen, Sally Burnett Ganger, Gloria Hodge, Jeff Baltes, Judy Hoffman and daughter Shelly, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.

Happy birthday:
March 15 to Roxann Grant, Gary Kunk Jr., Carol Williams, Marlene Dirksen and Sue Ann Puckett.
March 16 to Jesse Peters, Lisa Heck, Debbie Mayse, Chuck Warner and Angela Widener.
March 17 to Ty Thwaits, Chester Pouder, Steve Gilland, Jerri Dispennette and Cheryl Wombolt.
March 18 to Alexis Shinn Wardrip, Jane Gantt, Hannah Linebaugh, Cole Litten, Marilyn Hittle, Jared Fritz, Lynnette Trent, Kathy Magoto Monnin, Kelly Brown, Farrah Grewe and Doug Wright.
March 19 to Mary Striegel Knick, James Ward, Judy Thornhill, Cheyenne Archey, Nichole Dickey, Jennifer Morrow Schricker,
March 20 to Jerilyn Baker Kiser Carmen Claywell, Amanda Wagner, Craig Francis,
March 21 to Craig Wagner, Kent Elleman, Andrea Hodge, Logan Beam, Connie Sewell, Fonda Newbauer, Jerry Singer, Richard Lucas, Shalee Cross and Lonnie Mayse.
Happy anniversary to Tom and Becky Everhart on March 16.

Think about it: “Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, but one tongue, so that we will hear and see more than we speak.”–Author Unknown.