Paid for by the Committee to Elect Laura Waymire
I am the Shelby County Prosecuting Attorney and have served in that capacity for the past twelve years. I have had the pleasure of practicing with and against Darke County Prosecuting Attorney Candidate Laura E. Waymire for the past eight years. In this election year, I felt it important to pass on to the Darke County voters my impressions of Prosecutor Candidate Waymire.
Over the past several years, Laura has served the role of Chief Felony Defense Counsel for the Shelby County Public Defender’s Office. As such, she is responsible for defending and protecting the rights of every felony defendant that qualifies for services of the Public Defender. Just last year, she defended over 325 felony defendants. In every case, Laura was prepared and was passionate in her representation of her court-appointed clients. She pushes my office hard and was demanding when appropriate. Laura is an outstanding trial lawyer and a very thorough and organized attorney. She cares about and has pride in her work.
The job of being a County Prosecutor is serious business. The County Prosecutor is charged with reviewing criminal investigations, making felony prosecution decisions, and providing legal advice to the County Commissioners, Township Trustees, the County Board of Elections, the Department of Job and Family Services, and virtually every other public office and agency in your County. Laura’s work ethic, vision, and leadership make her an ideal candidate for the job.
Bottom line, Darke County needs a quality person to do the job as your Prosecutor. Laura Waymire is that person.
Timothy S. Sell, Prosecutor
Shelby County, Ohio
(937) 498-2101
The views expressed in this article belong to the Committee to Elect Laura Waymire and not necessarily My County Link, its affiliates, or its employees.