GREENVILLE – Harley Edwin Alexander will be laid to rest Saturday, June 29, 2024, in Greenmound Cemetery, New Madison, Ohio.
Coxswain Alexander was listed as Missing in Action after his ship, the USS Glennon struck a mine in the English Channel on June 8, 1944. Through the unending efforts of THE DEFENSE POW/MIA ACCOUNTING AGENCY and the miracle of DNA science, the family is finally able to bring their beloved uncle home to rest alongside his family.
“The Saturday service is open to the public,” said Tribute’s Eric Fee. “The service at Greenmound Cemetery is at 11 a.m. so we will pull in around 10:45 a.m. We will have a full Active Navy Honor Guard, which Mr. Alexander deserves. He was an active member of the military, so he deserves everything. We want to show him the respect and honor he deserves.”
A coordinated Friday procession with the Ohio State Highway Patrol, Darke County Sheriff’s Department, and the Greenville Police Department will leave Dayton International Airport to I-70 West exiting on SR 49 North into Greenville continuing on Sweitzer Street, turning right at Pine Street (Teafords), left on Washington Avenue, left on Broadway at the Annie Oakley Statue, around the traffic circle, and out North Broadway to Tribute Funeral Home. An anticipated 11:15 a.m. arrival time in Greenville is expected.
To honor our WWII Fallen Hero, people are invited to line State Route 49 and Greenville city streets with American Flags.
“It would be great to see SR 49 and the streets in Greenville lined for a true hero,” said Fee. “Eighty years – the family is finally bringing Mr. Alexander home. It’s an honor to be a part of it and to see his hometown and home county come out and support as we bring a Sailor home.”
ORDER OF EVENTS Friday, June 28, 2024
9:00 a.m. Tribute Hearse and Family Van arrive at Dayton International Airport (DAY)
(Wait in staging parking for further instructions from DAY Police)
10:15 a.m. Enter tarmac upon direction of DAY Police
10:28 a.m. Flight DL3108 scheduled to arrive
(A small ceremony will take place when Mr. Alexander is transported off the plane)
Upon Mr. Alexander being placed in the hearse, a small procession will start from DAY to Tribute Funeral Home, Greenville. OSP and Connersville American Legion.
11:30 a.m. Estimated Arrival at Tribute Funeral Home.
ORDER OF EVENTS Saturday, June 29, 2024
9:30 a.m. Family Arrival at Tribute Funeral Home Greenville
10:15 a.m. Depart Funeral Home for Greenmound Cemetery in Procession
11:00 a.m. Graveside Service Greenmound Cemetery
Lead In by Del Braund Jr., Bagpipes
Award Presentations – Ohio VFW
Final Salute Service – Patriot Guard Riders
Presentation of MIA Flag
Clergy – Pastor Tony Price
Military Honors – Navy Active Duty
Del Braund Jr. Bagpipes Fade in Distance