Heather Suerdieck, Expands You Matter Movement!


Heather Suerdieck, coach and owner of Inside Out Coaching, is on a mission to empower people, especially our youth, and let them know they matter! 

Her son actually came up with these two powerful words; when she asked him what would be something people should know and hear, he said, “You Matter.” 

She has been in every Darke County School handing out her “You Matter” Bracelets which come in every color imaginable. She always gives the students the bracelet with their school colors. Some of her supporters to help get these bracelets into the schools include Roots Hair Salon, LIttman-Thomas Agency, My County Link, Wayne Healthcare, Modern Mothers of Versailles, Community Members, and Inside-Out Coaching. 

At the end of this School year, she handed out over 4500 to the grades K-7, which now means every grade in the Darke County Schools has received these bracelets along with an insert card they can carry with them.


She also distributed over 1800 bracelets in Preble County at Eaton and National Trail. 

To date, over 13,000 You Matter Bracelets have been sold and sponsored. These empowering bracelets are over the US and Canada. The farthest have been purchased for Operation Shoebox Christmas by a church, and they went to: Mali, Guatemala, Malawi, Peru, Madagascar, and The Philippines. 

She and her son have been to Dayton Children’s Hospital, where they gave “You Matter” bracelets to the patients. 

As you can see, these bracelets aren’t just going into the schools; they’re rippling through the World! 

Her message is also featured in a You Matter video in which she worked with Tri-Village Student Michael Rhoades with the help of his teacher, Christina Cook. Music by Shannon Clark and The Sugar, Photography by Freckled Charlie Photography, by Sarah Edwards, Inside Out Coaching LLC’s concept and models have Darke County roots and our students. Ansonia schools was the location of the video and pictures.

She recently added Ripple Wear Mobile Motivators. These are available for purchase at The Bread of Life, located on Broadway in downtown Greenville.

I’ve heard Heather say many times, “It’s not my project, it’s God’s,” so she doesn’t stand in His way, and she’s obedient. She likes to connect God’s dots, and she’s doing amazing things for the people here in Darke County and around.

If you would like to support and be a part of this program, or you have a cause you would like to have these for, please reach out to Heather at heather.suerdieck@gmail.com, or find her on Facebook with Inside/Out Coaching LLC.