The Darke County Commissioners signed a proclamation presented by Wayne Health Care to Make February 2024 Heath Health Awareness Month.
The proclamation states:
“Whereas, Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in the nation; and
Whereas, February is heart health awareness month where Wayne HealthCare celebrates Pump Month that stresses taking great care of your heart, eating well, getting preventative screenings, these are important year-round to love your heart and prioritize your health; and
Whereas, Wayne HealthCare and Wayne HealthCare Foundation have teamed up to provide discounted preventative screenings for our community members through their new initiative, the Bob Mende Heartwise Initiative; and
Whereas, preventative screenings play a pivotal role in identifying any potential heart issues and giving community members a baseline of their heart health before issues may arise or escalate into major problems; by detecting abnormalities early, healthcare professionals can intervene and implement strategies to mitigate the risk of heart disease; and
Now, Therefore, The Dark County Commission Board, do hereby proclaim the month of February 2024 as Heart Health Awareness Month.
In Witness Thereof, We hereunto set our hands this 6th day of February, in the year of our lord two thousand twenty four.”
Along with the proclamation, Wayne Healthcare, and Wayne HealthCare Foundation shared their celebration of Pump Month. Wayne HealthCare offers discounted preventative screenings and heart health education this month.
Lipid Panel blood work and EKGs are discounted through February, and Vascular ultrasound screenings are discounted throughout 2024 for the foundation’s Pump Month celebration.
On schedule for the Pump Month heart health education programs are:
On February 9, “The Importance of Exercise” at the New Madison Public Library.
On February 13, “Diabetes Wellness Program” and “Heart Art” at Wayne HealthCare.
On February 14, Wayne HealthCare will be featured on Community Ties with WTGR Tiger Radio.
On February 20, “Get to the Heart of the Matter” will be at the Brethren Retirement Community, and “Healthy Moments featuring Dr. Dulin and Brandon Beyke” will be at Wayne HealthCare.
On February 27, “Cooking for the Heart” Cooking Demonstration at WayneHealthCare.
Take Heart Health Awareness Month as an opportunity to learn more about your heart health so you can better take care of yourself and your loved ones.