GREENVILLE – Healthy Kids Running Series (HKRS) held its final race of the 2022 season Sunday afternoon at Greenville’s Memorial Hill under the direction of HKRS Greenville Community Coordinator, Elise Hays.
“We had a lot more kids than I thought because it is trick or treating,” said Hays. “I didn’t think we would have this many kids but a lot of the families showed up to support the program. I’m glad everybody came out and I’m happy for the turnout.”
HKRS was founded in 2009 to combat increasing rates of childhood obesity in America. The program is designed to provide a program that creates a fun environment and builds self-esteem. The program encourages kids to adopt a “Get Up and Go” attitude.
HKRS is a national, community-based non-profit that provides a fun, inclusive five-week running series for ages 2-14, designed for kids to get active, feel accomplished and lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.
“If you are interested in learning more about Healthy Kids Running we have a Facebook page that is regularly putting things out into the community,” said Hays. “We have a website; where you can search Greenville and you will find our race with the latest updates and dates for the next series in the spring.”
The Healthy Kids Running Series was created to motivate kids to lead a healthy and active lifestyle through a positive introduction to the world of running.
Runners competing in the day’s event received a medal and trophies were presented to the first place winners of each age group.
“I would like to thank Zechar Bailey Funeral Homes, Greenville National Bank, Up and Running in Troy, Professional Family Eyecare and Young Forest Martial Arts as well as several donors including Wayne HealthCare and individuals as well,” Hays said.