Greenville Police Blotter – December 14, 2024


December 4, 10:44 a.m. – Officer M. Prickett was dispatched to E Water St & Boston St about a Vandalism Complaint. The complainant, Brenda Brumbaugh, advised that she and her daughter drove to the location. They advised that another female whom they have issues with, Kim Osterholt was at the soup kitchen and then left. They advised that upon coming outside they noticed damage to the driver’s side rear fender of the vehicle they drove. The damage was substantial and was not there upon leaving the vehicle when they parked. The damage included part of the fender being broken off and missing. There were no small fragments of the vehicle on the ground suggesting someone didn’t damage it at the scene. They advised that the damage was caused by Osterholt. Officer M. Prickett asked what streets they traveled to get to the soup kitchen and then drove the area. He located the missing piece of the fender in the roadway along with small fragments that were the same color as the fender on E. Main near Memorial Dr. This indicated that they may have been in an accident at the location. Officer M. Prickett completed a property report, however, it did not appear that the damage was done at the soup kitchen. Photographs were collected of the vehicle and fender.

December 6, 2:52 p.m. – PO William Nibert and Officer Wentworth arrived at Victoria Dr. to serve a warrant for Ian Perkins. Upon arrival, officers made contact with Mason Perkins who was a resident of the address. Mason allowed officers to come inside where they approached Ian and informed him of his Warrant. Dispatch confirmed Ian’s Warrant which was for failure to appear for Menacing with a bond of $525. Ian was placed under arrest and into handcuffs by Officer Wentworth. He was then transported to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office and released to jail staff. 

December 4, 12:47 p.m. – Officer J. Wolfe was dispatched to State Route 49, Lot 3 on a report of a theft of a firearm. Upon arrival, Wolfe contacted the victim, Hattie Tittle. She advised that she went into her bedroom and found that her small safe which contained the listed SCCY CPX2 with serial number #493117 was opened and the firearm was missing. Hattie advised that she called her boyfriend, Gerald Paul, who also lives at the residence, and asked if he had possession of the firearm and he stated that he did not. Hattie advised that she last saw the firearm approximately two weeks ago in the safe. Wolfe asked Hattie if she suspected anyone of stealing the firearm, and she advised that Kimberly Osterholt had been staying at the residence and she believed that she may have taken it. Gerald stated that Osterholt may have overheard him stating the code for the safe. Hattie advised that no one had permission to have the firearm and no one had permission to get into the safe. Hattie filled out a written statement and victim rights form. 

November 27, 9:18 a.m. – Officer M. Dickman was asked to prepare a nuisance abatement notice for a residence on Hiddeson Ave. due to the complaints the city had been receiving regarding the accumulation of trash in the rear of the residence. The following day, November 28, 11:15 a.m.,  the nuisance abatement notice was generated and served to Furman Kiser and Ralph Bailey. Kiser was advised that the best solution was to get Bailey off his property since Bailey was the one creating the mess in the rear of the property. Officer Dickman took photographs of the property.

December 1, 11:49 p.m. – P.O. D. Wentworth and S. Kreitzer were dispatched to Stratford Dr. on a possible theft, not in progress. Upon arrival, Wentworth spoke to Melony Davidson who stated that back in July she reported a police report for a laptop that was stolen by Omni Fiber workers. She stated that she had made a deal with the workers who were outside her home installing the internet to come inside and help her move things. Melony said she paid the workers with a rabbit and microwave. Melony stated that her laptop was then stolen by those workers, however was later discovered inside her home and instead, she just misplaced it. On the above-listed date, Melony wanted to report two stolen rings from the date of the previous incident. Melony was unable to give an exact reason as to why she waited three months to report the rings stolen. She also stated the rings are both silver with a clear diamond. First, she stated that both rings were worth $2,00.00, then stated they were worth $19,000.00. Wentworth advised Melony that he would try to contact Omni Fiber to see if they had a record of who was at her house on that day. He was able to call Chris Murdock from Omni Fiber. Chris stated that he was there that day and spoke to Melony about cable internet but never entered her home. Melony said that the ones who she made a deal with to move furniture were Hispanic males. Chris stated that the men were contracted through Omni Fiber, and he was unsure who they would’ve been. He also stated that he would contact his boss to see if he had any information on who could’ve been contracted that day. Melony was given the victims’ rights form and a statement to complete. She stated she was unable to complete them on her own and would have her son help her complete them and get them turned in. On December 5, Melony called Greenville PD and advised them that the rings that she thought were previously stolen were in her kitchen and weren’t stolen. 

December 10, 3:33 p.m. – PO Mattew Ganiron was dispatched to 600 Walnut Street; Darke County Recovery and Wellness about a missing juvenile. While en route Ganiron learned the missing juvenile/ involved person; Kaze Fowler was possibly at an address located in the 500 block of East Fourth Street. He made contact with the residents at 536 E Fourth St who stated Kaze was not at the address. Kaze attempted to be contacted through Snapchat without success. The 500 block of East Fourth Street location was checked for Kaze without any success. All parties spoken to stated they did not know where Kaze was located and did not know a phone number associated with him. After being unable to locate Kaze at either address he went to 5105 County Home Road; Michaels Home to make contact with the complainant/ case manager; Andrea Baker. Upon my arrival he learned that Kaze had been dropped off at 600 Walnut Street; Darke County Recovery and Wellness after school for an appointment at 1500 hours by a staff member of the Michaels Home. A short time later Andrea was notified Kaze had signed in for his appointment but left without being seen at which point she contacted the Police. SGT Prickett contacted Darke County Recovery and Wellness who confirmed Kaze had been there and what he was wearing but did not have any video footage showing which direction he left from the building. Kaze was reported to last be seen wearing a blue jean jacket with a white collar, a pair of jean pants, a black hat, and a gray backpack with him. Andrea stated she did not have a contact number for Kaze due to him not supposed to have a phone. Andrea stated they did not want to file unruly juvenile charges against Kaze just wanted it documented and he returned when located. Andrea completed a witness statement which will be attached to this report. Hardin County Children Services was contacted about Kaze running away due to them having guardianship of him. Kaze is reported to have been planning on running away from the area and had packed his backpack he is reported to have with him full of his belongings in preparation. Kaze is reported to have gotten into criminal trouble while visiting the Cleveland area where he is from during Thanksgiving break. Kaze was entered into LEADS/NCIC as missing and the surrounding areas were notified by dispatch. 

December 6, 5:08 a.m. – PO William Nibert Jr. was dispatched to a person “slumped” over the steering wheel at the intersection of South Broadway and East Water Street for multiple cycles of the traffic light. Upon his arrival, he located a white Ford Focus in the intersection with the brake lights on. As he approached the vehicle, he noticed a female driver later identified as Mackenzie Rehmert. Mackenzie was nodding off at the wheel as he approached. He knocked on the window multiple times, when Mackenzie finally acknowledged him, she was startled and the vehicle started to roll away as it was not in park. Mackenzie put the vehicle into the park after several commands to do so. He then located two syringes in Mackenzie’s hand and asked her to step out of the vehicle where he detained her by putting her in handcuffs that were gap checked and double locked. He then asked Mackenzie when the last time was she used and she stated this morning at 4:30 approximately 30 minutes before this incident. He asked Mackenzie what she used and she stated Fentanyl. Mackenzie’s eyes were also pinpoint and glossy. Greenville Rescue then arrived on the scene and checked her condition, where she refused to go to the hospital stating she was fine. Officer Wentworth searched the vehicle where he found a baggy containing a white powdery substance that is suspected to be Fentanyl. Mackenzie was asked if she would be willing to submit to Standard Field Sobriety Testing to see if she was okay to drive where she stated she would. The first test was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test. There were no clues detected during this test. Next was the Walk and Turn test where Officer Nibert explained the instructions on how to do the test and Mackenzie stated she understood. While performing the test Mackenzie showed two clues she took the wrong number of steps and performed an improper turn. The third test was the One Leg Stand test. Mackenzie was given the instructions for this test which she stated she understood. Makenzie started before being instructed to do so and did not have her foot parallel to the ground as instructed. Mackenzie was instructed to count to 30 by one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand 3, and so on until she reached 30 seconds or was instructed to stop. Mackenzie was approximately 8 seconds slower than my timed 30 seconds. Mackenzie was read and then advised she was being arrested for OVI. Mackenzie read her Miranda warning which she stated she understood. During the search incident to arrest no other contraband was located on her person. Mackenzie was transported to the GPD where she was read the BMV2255 in the presence of Officer Wentworth. The suspect drugs and paraphernalia were placed on the property at the Greenville Police Department and will be sent to the BCI lab for further testing and analysis. Mackenzie was issued a citation for OVI and advised of her mandatory court date and time. Mackenzie was released to her mother Jacquelynn Rehmert.