GREENVILLE – A Middle School soccer program for girls in grades five through eight that wish to train and play soccer will train two time a week with matches scheduled for Sundays under the direction of Greenville Lady Wave varsity soccer coach, Dave Ernst.
“This middle school program is essential to build a strong High School program,” said Coach Ernst. “This will allow for a steady flow of players into the HS program each year. This program will take the place of a club setting that Greenville is without for girls of this age.”
If numbers permit, two teams will be developed made up of a fifth and sixth grade team and seventh and eighth grade team.
An information meeting will be held Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Greenville Senior High School Café. If unable to attend the meeting, please contact Coach Ernst at (937) 459-7967 or [email protected]
There will an Information Meeting for the High School Program, Tuesday, April 4 at 7:15 p.m. in the HS Café. Players planning to play this fall need to attend this meeting.
“This will be a very important meeting for the High School players,” Ernst noted. “Many decisions will be made concerning summer training schedule and training gear.”