Greenville Kiwanis welcomes Light Foundation this Wednesday


GREENVILLE – Our next Kiwanis Program will be the LIGHT FOUNDATION this coming Wednesday, November  20th.

December 4th ~ TBA ~ this will be our last meeting in December, but we will be ringing the Community Bell at Walmart (North Entrance) on December 13th & 14th.   Please check with Mike Snyder concerning openings on the schedule.

Thanks to Holly Hill for taking care of our Needy Family Christmas again this year.

This coming year we are making some changes to our meeting schedule. We are still meeting at Double M Diner and at our regular time on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. We will be conducting our board meeting on the first Wednesday of the month, and it will be open to all our members. As you may be aware,  we have been making donations for a lot of community needs. We need your input, new members and fundraisers to sustain our purpose of helping kids!

Then the 3rd Wednesday of each month we will be scheduling a speaker from our community!  We also welcome visitors to either one of our meetings that may be interested in what Kiwanis is!  We meet at Double M Diner located in the Palace Building on the first and third Wednesdays.  We order our meals from the menu and suggest that you arrive to order at 11:30.  Meetings are from noon to 1:00.

Hope to see you on November 20th!