Greenville Art Guild announces Oil Painting Workshop with Nationally Acclaimed Artist

Morning on the Green River by Chuck Marshall

GREENVILLE – The Greenville Art Guild invites you to register for an all-day oil painting workshop on December 7th from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Chuck Marshall, a nationally acclaimed landscape painter, will lead the class.

Chuck Marshall is an Ohio native who studied at the Art Institute of Cincinnati and the California Art Institute in Southern California. He has been invited to participate in many national events, including as a featured artist at the National Plein Air Convention and Expo. He is also a two-time best-in-show winner at the Finger Lakes Plein Air. His work has been published in International Artist Magazine, American Artist Magazine, and Plein Air Magazine.

Marshall is known for creating top-quality plein air and studio landscape paintings that are rich in color and showcase the delicate balance of light and shadows. Examples of work can be viewed at

Students in this class will brush up on the fundamentals of oil painting as they create their own landscape piece. The day will begin with a demonstration by the artist, followed by individualized instruction.

The cost to register for this class is $75 for Greenville Art Guild members or $100 for non-members. Registrants will be offered the chance to sign up for membership for 2025 in order to get the discounted rate for the class. Lunch is included in the cost of the workshop. The class will take place at Birchwood Training Center, located at 5844 Jaysville St. Johns Rd., Greenville, OH 45331. Artists will need to bring their own supplies. A list of materials will be provided at the time of registration, but in summary includes, oil paints, a palette, gambol, brushes, a sketchbook, and canvas.

To register or for questions, contact Greenville Art Guild President Jennifer Overholser at 440-813-0367 or [email protected]. Payment information will be provided at the time of registration. The registration deadline is December 1st.