GREENVILLE– Greenville American Legion Post 140 presented the proceeds from its gun raffle to the Darke County Veterans Services Commission for their annual bus trip to Washington D.C. this September.
“We appreciate Greenville American Legion Post 140 for doing so much for us here at the Veterans Service Commission it is very much appreciated,” Jack Sloat, President Darke County Veterans Services Commission said. “I know all the veterans in the county are thrilled that Legion would continue on with the raffle and we are excited and look forward to our next trip to Washington DC with the veterans.”
The trip is an opportunity for Darke County veterans to visit the WWII, Korean and
Vietnam Memorials at a reduced cost. Additional stops include the Arlington Cemetery, Air Force Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial and the Holocaust Museum where a wreath is placed by Darke County at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Tom Pittman, Darke County Veterans Services Director/CVSO thanked the American Legion Post 140 for their continued support of their annual trips to Washington DC.
“It was an honor to help with this gun raffle this is the proceeds from the gun raffle after everything has been paid,” Ted Bruner, Greenville American Legion Post 140 representative added.