GHS student awarded the Bronze JROTC Medal

Cadet CO Lily Mowery with DAR members Debbie Nisonger, Mary Jane Dietrich, Helen Wright, , Shirley Hughes, Kathy Bowen.

GREENVILLE—Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution honored incoming Cadet Commanding Officer Lily Mowery with the NSDAR Bronze JROTC Medal during the GHS NJROTC ceremony. Fort GreeneVille Chapter’s National Defense Chapter Committee Chair Mary Jane Dietrich and chapter members presented the medal and certificate.

DAR member Mary Jane Dietrich

The Bronze JROTC Medal/certificate is awarded to either a junior or senior student in a high school/secondary school JROTC program or to a graduating junior college student who has participated in a JROTC program. ROTC Medals are awarded to student cadets of outstanding ability and achievement in high school, junior college, and college or university ROTC programs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force. Recipients must have demonstrated loyalty and patriotism and earned a record of military and scholastic achievement during their participation in an ROTC program. Students must be in the upper 25% of their classes in ROTC and in academic subjects. They must have shown qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training.

According to CDR Mark E. Atkinson (retired),GHS Senior Naval Science Instructor, “Cadet Commanding Officer Lily Mowery has distinguished herself as a leader at Greenville High School and Navy JROTC program. Inducted into the National Honor Society, ranked 18th among 182 juniors academically with a 3.875 GPA thus far this academic year and ranked 1st among 85 in the NJROTC program, her commitment to excellence resulted in her selection for promotion to Cadet Commanding Officer and selection as Greenville’s Bronze JROTC Medal recipient from the Daughters of the American Revolution.”

Atkinson also added, “Cadet CO Mowery demonstrates loyalty, patriotism, and has earned a record of military and scholastic achievement coupled with her dependability, good character and leadership ability that reflects the high standards of the Greenville NJROTC program and in keeping with the highest traditions of the Daughters of the American Revolution.”

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a women’s service organization whose members can trace their lineage to an individual who contributed to securing American independence during the Revolutionary War. Today’s DAR is dynamic and diverse, with over 185,000 members in 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. DAR members annually provide millions of hours of volunteer service to their local communities across the country and world. DAR chapters participate in projects to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Over one million members have joined the organization since its founding in 1890.

If you are interested in learning more about DAR membership, visit Fort GreeneVille DAR FaceBook page or email