Free online workshop for family caregivers


No one wants to be taken advantage of and there are unfortunately many scams out there. This is an opportunity to learn how to identify a utility scam and ways to report it. Help safeguard your loved one as well as yourself from these types of scams. Presenter is Amy Carles, from the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel.

Registration is requested by September 17th to receive the Zoom Link before the workshop. Contact Mary Hairston by email ([email protected]) or phone (937-341-6944) to register. To learn more visit

All attendees located in our nine counties will receive a free copy of
“Powerful Tools for Caregivers” book.

This workshop is courtesy of the Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2, which helps older adults of West Central Ohio remain in their homes with independence and dignity. We are an independent, private, nonprofit corporation that plans and funds services for older persons in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby Counties.