Fort GreeneVille DAR inducts and awards new member

DAR officers: Registrar Doris Aultman, Chaplain Karen Burkett, Regent Penny Weaver and new member Caitlyn Clark. (Submitted photo)

GREENVILLE – Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution inducted a new member, Caitlyn Clark. Also, the chapter awarded her with a National DAR Women in American History award for her contribution to educating others about our Nation’s history.

Clark is an Arcanum High School and Wright State University graduate and a distant relative of American explorer William Clark. She’s been an ardent student of Lewis and Clark since 7th grade. Clark has a love of history which is evident with her volunteering and employment at Garst Museum in Greenville Ohio, her work at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, and the Grand Canyon. Through her travels exploring the Lewis and Clark Expedition, she was inspired to research and author a book “From the Treaty City to the Western Sea: Lewis and Clark in Greenville, Ohio”.

The emphasis of Women in American History award is on the role of women, past and present, in American History. Chapters are encouraged to select a notable woman from their state or community to honor with the “Women in American History”. Chapters are encouraged to choose a woman to honor for this recognition by taking into consideration women who have made a contribution or a difference in their communities. She could be a historical entity or currently alive and worthy of recognition, a woman who is or has been, an intellectual, educational, social, religious, political, scientific, or cultural innovator.

Regent Penny Weaver and Caitlyn Clark. (Submitted photo)