Fort GreeneVille DAR celebrates National DAR Day of Service with Donations

DAR members Debbie Nisonger, Helen Wright, Mary Jane Dietrich, and Penny Weaver, Zechar Bailey's Jeff Lyme
Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated the October 11th founding of the National Society as a National DAR Day of Service. Besides staying active in our community year-round, the Fort GreeneVille Chapter recently donated items to our active military people in honor of “NSDAR Day of Service.”
The chapter and its members, through the Ohio USO, donated approximately $1,000.00 worth of items to Camp Atterbury, a Mobilization Training Center in Edinburgh, Indiana. Zechar Bailey Funeral Home donated the shipping of items. Donations were also made through Amazon to the Chaplain’s Closet at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl, Germany.