Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR honor Water Street Cemetery monument dedication

Water Street Cemetery grave monument dedication held by Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – Many community members attended the Water Street Cemetery grave monument dedication held by Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR early Wednesday evening. 

The cemetery’s history dates back to 1818, when John and Margaret Devor deeded the grounds to the Methodist Episcopal Church. 

Water Street Cemetery was a burial ground for early Greenville pioneers till 1853. 

“Although its history has been turbulent, we are here today to remember the past and to embrace the present and future of this historical site as those before us have been dedicated to preserving,” said Debbie Nisonger with Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR.

Nisonger also shared a quote from local historian Anita Short.

“Although the growth and progress of a city and country-side is always good, it is sad that quite often much of the past has been lost along the way. To re-establish the burials in a pioneer cemetery is an almost insurmountable task. It is almost a certainty that many other pioneers and early residents of the City of Greenville lie buried in the quiet spot known as the Water Street Cemetry, their names and death dates probably never ascertainable.”

Water Street Cemetery Grave Monument. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

In memory of an unknown adult from the 1800s exposed by the EF1 tornado that caused major damage across the county on May 7th, 2024, from an uprooted tree. 

Greg Zechar, with Zechar Bailey Funeral Home Director, along with two GPD detectives, were a part of the recovery process. 

Many people and businesses worked together to make this possible, including the City of Greenville, Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR, Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Kiwanis of Greenville, Darke County Genealogical Society, Greenville Masonic Lodge #143, East Zion Church, Fort Black Eastern Star #336, Salem Stones Inc., and Lasting Legacy Memorials.

Greenville Street Department also received thanks for the preparation of the monument base. 

Pastor Keith Menter of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church also prepared a prayer for the evening during the monument restoration. 

“I want to thank everyone for being here,” said City of Greenville Mayor Jeff Whitaker. “We have a very unique opportunity here. I want to thank everyone who was involved in this process. This is a very nice monument.”