Farmers honor Coxswain Alexander


DARKE COUNTY – Farmers Union members turned out to honor Coxswain Harley Alexander during his funeral procession this past Saturday, June 29, 2024.

“He was from a very large farm family around New Madison, who were good Farmers Union members” according to Ted Finnarn, local Sec-Treas. of the Darke County Farmers Union. “He baled hay for my Grandpa Ora Finnarn when he was growing up, along with his many brothers, before he enlisted in the Navy.”

Alexander was from a rather large family; he had nine (9) brothers & four (4) sisters and including him, which makes fourteen (14) children.

“They needed work to get by and the brothers were known as extremely hard workers and good farm hands” advised Finnarn. “I myself later baled hay with some of his nephews and they were always the best laborers”.

Finnarn and other farmers with Flags lined SR 121 for the funeral procession Saturday as it made its way toward his final resting place in New Madison.

May this proud and patriotic farm boy, who served his country and fought for our freedoms, rest in peace.