GREENVILLE – EverHeart Hospice celebrated its newly expanded inpatient unit with a Grand Opening and Hospice Month. Many gathered to celebrate, tour, and see the unit for the first time.
The Invocation was led by Jacque Collins, Chaplain with EverHeart Hospice.
“We are here to mark a significant milestone in the history of our hospice care facility with the expansion of our inpatient hospice unit ,” said Kristi Strawser, CEO with EverHeart Hospice.
EverHeart Hospice began a partnership with Wayne HealthCare in 2013. The initial collaboration developed then with 5 current beds that reside on the fourth floor. It was previously a vacant floor that was used for the ICU that was refurbished by the hospital.
“This unit will allow us to expand this care with eight state of the art facility rooms that feature comfortable and private rooms, and spaces for reflection,” continued Strawser.
John Marchal was in attendance and recognized as the husband of the late Joy Marchal. Joy was one of the founding members of EverHeart Hospice. They were both recognized and honored for both being instrumental in the creation of the organization.
Strawser announced that there will be a wall in the unit in honor of Joy and her efforts put forth into the facility and organization. The wall will read “Joyful Memories’ and will also have a plaque with a quote from Joy as well. The wall will be a place where patients’ families take a butterfly and write a memory of their loved one and place it on the wall.
“I want to thank and congratulate EverHeart Hospice,” said Jeff Subler, President and CEO of Wayne HealthCare. “And welcome you to your new location within the hospital.”
Commissioners Larry Holmes and Marshall Combs also spoke and welcomed EverHeart to their new location and the importance of such a needed facility.
“I want to extend my thanks to EverHeart Hospice for their presence in the community,” expressed Mayor Jeff Whitaker. “They become a part of your life. It’s a godsend to our community.”
“Having a new safe, secure, well appointed, state of the art facility is something that our residents and community members know that they can come here and they’d be well taken care of,” said Rachel Neal, President and CEO of Chamber of Commerce. “EverHeart has the reputation behind it to take care of their patients and families.”
Neal also mentioned that EverHeart is one of the Chambers biggest supporters and extended her thanks to EverHeart for all their hard work.
The Chamber of Commerce celebrated the newly expanded facility with a ribbon cutting.