EUM Church GriefShare: Healing and Comfort


GREENVILLE – When you’re grieving the death of a family member or friend, your sadness can seem unbearable. Do thoughts of social gatherings, obligations, and everyday responsibilities leave you anxious and overwhelmed? What can you do to lessen your stress and loneliness? Where can you find out what emotions to expect in the coming months, how to manage them, and how to communicate with family and friends who seem helpless to understand what you are going through?

GriefShare is a video seminar series that features some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics, as seen from a biblical perspective. You’ll hear insights from respected Christian counselors, pastors, and psychologists on various topics that you may encounter. You’ll receive valuable information to help you move forward in your new normal. The video seminars are combined with support group discussions of the materials presented during the video. You will be able to talk freely among others who understand the pain of losing a loved one—confidentiality and respect are the rules. The workbook encourages journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics.

 GriefShare begins Saturday, January 20, from 10 am to noon. GriefShare is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence and are welcome to begin attending our group at any point. This group will help you create a healthy plan and learn how to communicate with others during those event-filled weeks. We will meet at the EUM Downtown Campus, 111 Devor Street, Greenville. To find peace and move forward in your journey, please call the EUM Church office at 937-548-3211, Mon-Fri, from 9 am- 5 pm. to register and for more information. You may also register online at [email protected].

Jeff Harper is the Lead Pastor at EUM Church. The Contemporary Worship Services are on Saturday at 6:30 pm and Sunday at 9:00 and 10:30 am at the Worship Center located at 1451 Sater Street. A Traditional Worship Service is Sunday at 9:45 am at the Downtown Campus at 111 Devor Street in Greenville. Kids’ Ministry is available for kids ages 3 through grade 6 on Saturday nights at 6:30 pm and ages 0 through grade 6 at the 9:00 and 10:30 services. Grades 7-8 meet at the 9:00 and 10:30 am services. The Downtown Campus, 111 Devor Street, houses the offices. For more information, go to or call 937-548-3211.