We are mixing it up this year and will be hosting a
~~~~~~ Virtual Viewing Party ~~~~~~
for this year’s DD Awareness and Advocacy Day at The Ohio Statehouse.
All means All. All abilities. All voices. All of us!
Presented in both in-person and virtual format, this event will welcome hundreds of advocates and stakeholders from throughout Ohio, calling attention to issues affecting the lives of citizens with disabilities. Guest speakers and a panel discussion will take place beginning at 10 am.
You can still register online to attend in person, but if you can’t make it over to Columbus, we invite you to participate virtually with us. Birchwood Training Center March 12th, 10 am – 12:00 pm
Registration will begin Monday, January 15 at 12 pm.
Stay tuned for additional information, and be certain to keep up with developments by visiting https://ddohio.wordpress.com or https://www.facebook.com/OhioDDAwareness
Please contact Sue Huston at [email protected] or 927.459.4629 to RSVP or if you have any questions.