David Fierst to visit GPL on the 23rd


GREENVILLE – On Tuesday, January 23, come join Greenville Public Library in welcoming author David Fierst as he presents on his book, Hidden Disgrace: Revealing the Distress Signals Covered by North American Indian Myths. The program will begin at 11 a.m. in the third-floor conference room.

David Fierst is an attorney living in Dayton, Ohio. Hidden Disgrace is his first book. It is the result of an April 2014 visit to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Afterward, David grappled with understanding the reasons for the harsh living conditions there.

According to his website, from there, he began researching the history of Indians, generally in the United States, and gauging whether that history is accurately depicted.

“It also incorporates the views of Indian writers and intellectuals, both men and women, whose views often seem to be drowned out by those failing to understand the challenges of Indians in the United States as unique,” it concludes.

For more information on David and Hidden Disgrace, you can visit his website, http://davidfierst.com/ 

This is a free event, and registration is not required to attend. For more information, contact Kelly at (937) 548-3915.