Darke County youth invited to participate in Farm Toy Display Contest


VERSAILLES – On February 22nd from 8 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., the Versailles FFA will be hosting the 8th annual Omelet Breakfast to recognize the local agriculturalists and promote the agriculture industry. There will be a free omelet breakfast for all in attendance. This breakfast is free but will be required to RSVP to ensure proper breakfast by February 18th.

The breakfast will also include: a farm toy show, agriculture displays to promote the industry, and farm displays created by the local youth. This event will be open for all of the public to enjoy.

The Versailles FFA chapter would like to personally invite and encourage you to enter the farm toy display contest. Again, this contest is completely cost-free and open to all youth in Darke County. Awards and monetary prizes will be awarded for each division sponsored by the Darke County Farm Bureau. All participants will receive a small prize; however, first place in each division will receive $25.00, second place $15.00, and third place $10.00.

All displays along with a tag with your name and age must be delivered to the Versailles FFA advisors, Mrs. Dena Wuebker/Miss Taylor Bergman, at Versailles Schools near the Greenhouse door (door 4) from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm pm on Thursday, February 20th. All displays will be judged prior to the breakfast and the Farm Displays will be displayed on the stage of the cafetorium all attendees will be enabled to view the displays. Farm displays can be torn down and loaded out between 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Feb 22nd.

Rules and Regulations: Division I- (Youth age 5 and under)-Maximum of 28” x 28” of space provided per display and Minimum of two (2) different aspects of agriculture or agricultural-related items. Division II- (Youth ages 6-10) Maximum of 28” x 28” of space provided per display and Minimum of three (3) different aspects of agriculture or agricultural-related items. Division III- (Youth ages 11-14)-Maximum of 30” x 30” of space provided per display and Minimum of four (4) different aspects of agriculture or agricultural-related items. Division IV- (Youth ages 15-18)-Maximum of 32” x 32” of space provided per display and Minimum of five (5) different aspects of agriculture or agricultural-related items. Displays will be judged based on the following Originality- 25 points, Contents-25 points, Neatness (Display and labeling-25 points and Overall Appearance-25 points.

Again all displays are due Thursday, Feb. 20th by 6:00 p.m. They should be dropped off by the Ag/ greenhouse door (280 Marker Rd. – door 4 – near the performing arts entrance) from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. If this date, does not work to drop off the display, please contact Mrs. Wuebker to determine an earlier date, all displays need to be dropped off by 6:00 p.m. on Feb 20th.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Mrs.Dena Wuebker at [email protected] or (937) 423-2369 or Taylor Bergman at [email protected] at 937-621-9136.