DAR receives donations for Wreaths Across America

From Left to Right : Greg Zechar, Linda Riley, Chris Nehring, Shirley Hughes, Marvin Johnson, Don Detrich, Mary Jane Detrich, Keith Denman,. Helen Wright, Richard Grow, and Gaylen Blosser

GREENVILLE – Every year, the Fort GreeneVille DAR purchases wreaths from Wreaths Across America to honor fallen veterans in our area.

“Every year on the third Saturday of December, they place a wreath to honor the veterans,” Chris Nehring, Co-Chair of DAR Fort GreeneVille Chapter, said. “Their mission statement is to remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom.” 

The wreaths the DAR receives go to veteran graves at the Greenville Union Cemetery (1615) and St. Mary’s Cemetery (156). This is a total of 1771 wreaths needed to honor the veterans in our area.

Through January 16, Wreaths Across America matches wreath purchases made, doubling the amount of wreaths received. Because of this, large donors come together at the beginning of the year so the DAR can receive as many wreaths as possible.

Wednesday, the DAR received donations from American Legion Post 140, the Grow Family, VFW Post 7262, Zechar Bailey Funeral Homes, Oder of Eastern Start Fort Black Chapter, Linda Riley, RJ Allread, Jim Buchy, VFW Bingo, John and Karen Burkett, and Kyle and Virginia Kagey. With these donations, the DAR will receive about 1280 wreaths!

“I just had a lady call me earlier this year; she donates every year because her husband is out at the Greenville Union Cemetery,” Nehring said. “She doesn’t live in Greenville anymore, but she came back for Christmas; she went out and got to see his wreath. It does mean something.”

You can purchase wreaths for this year until November 15 with the Wreaths Across America Website. When you’re there, click where it says “Local Sponsorship Group” and donate specifically to Fort GreeneVille DAR. This ensures you donate your wreath locally, and for every wreath bought, the Fort GreeneVille DAR gets $5 back that they use for wreaths the following year.

Using the wreaths is a wonderful way to remember and honor our fallen veterans and works to teach the next generation about the sacrifices people serving our country have made.