Meladi Brewer
DARKE COUNTY – Commissioners welcome Buschur to the OSU Extension family. Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.
Caden Buschur will be taking over as the new Ag Extension Agent at the OSU Extension. He will be fulfilling the duties and obligations Taylor Dill once managed during her employment with the extension. Buschur is a Darke County native with big goals for the position.
“I’m very grateful for this opportunity to stay and work in the area that I love,” Buschur said.
Growing up on a farm had been a major influence for him to take the position. Buscher said he has always been passionate about agriculture and service, so he is “grateful to work in a career path where he gets to work in both”.
Buschur has just started his second week with the extension, but is excited for the opportunities ahead. He comes with a Versailles High School diploma and a bachelors in Agriculture from Wright State University Lake Campus. He says he looks forward to this career before getting his masters from The Ohio State University once he is “more established in the job”.
“I’m looking forward to working with members of the community, all of you (commissioners) and anybody else I have yet to meet. I’m very excited for what work I have ahead of me,” Buschur said.
Commissioner Holmes gave an update on the transportation conflict within the county. He advised he is to have a follow up with Greenville Transit and Ryan Delk, Director of Safety Services, to see how the progression of countywide transportation is moving along.
“There has been different dialogue, and over the last six to eight months or so with the city, we are intending to provide some funding over the next two fiscal years,” Holmes said.
Assuming there is a match from the Department of Transportation, Holmes said they have to work with the Ohio Department of Transportation to secure they will provide a match. Holmes said there is still a bit of work to do, and on Wednesday, the Transportation Advisory Committee and City of Greenville Transit are to meet at 3 p.m. for a public hearing.
“I got appointed to that before I became a commissioner, but it’s worked out well. We will pick up some dialogue regarding the countywide transportation,” Holmes said.
He also anticipated that a CAP board member will be in attendance, and Holmes plans to reintroduce dialogue about whether they could resume services.
“Because it was strictly a funding topic, or maybe it was more of an employment,” Holmes said. “We will continue to pursue it because Catholic Services will not be able to meet that out of county need.”
A standard form of agreement between the Darke County Commissioners, the Village of New Madison, and Finfrock Construction was approved along with a notice to proceed. The project includes the reconstruction of 550 lineal feet of roadway including the replacement of curbing, sidewalks, and drive approaches. Also included is waterline replacement and needed storm sewer improvements.
Finfrock sall be paid for completion of work in funds totaling $488,000.The New Madison project is a CDBG program, so the county only puts in a specific amount and the rest are fund dollars.
“We only put in $100,000, and the rest comes from other sources of funds,” Aultman said.
The distribution is as follows: Darke County Comm Development Block Grant (CDBG) is not to exceed $100,000, Village of New Madison OPWC Funds total $336,000, and Village of new Madison local funds total $52,000.
The project is designed to be a reconstruction of the curbs, sidewalks, and streets within the Village of New Madison.
The County Offices will be closed next Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday.
The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370.