Commissioners talk OSU Extension Jobs, Todd Schilling, and DC Sheriff’s office phone issue


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Commissioners met Tuesday afternoon to discuss OSU Extension office jobs, fund advancements, the Darke County Economic Development introduction of Todd Schilling, and the Darke County Sheriff’s office phones going down.  Commissioners Matt Aultman, Larry Holmes, and Marshall Combs were present.

The board gave an OSU extension office update regarding new jobs through OSU. The family consumer science position is listed, and they are accepting applications. Community development position, the application period is closed, and they are going through the review process at OSU. As of today, the 4-H extension agent has just been posted and is open for applications. This application should be up for 4-6 weeks.

“There are more contacts and information on their Facebook page,” Commissioner Aultman said. “You can get on Ohio States Jobs if you are interested in those jobs.”

The board then approved Resolution (R-194-2023), a fund advance for the Darke County Airport. This covers Westerheide Construction payment #6 services through 5/31/23, which is $202,722. This will advance back once grant money is received.

The board then approved Resolution (R-195-2023), a fund advance to cover Candy Lammers CSL Contracting bill for project Goodpaster. This is for $600.

“The Goodpaster we are referring to is one of our chip program houses.” Commissioner Aultman said. “It’s a community housing and recruitment program.”

Next, the board approved an amendment to a contract between Darke County and Willo Products Company for the Darke County Sheriff’s Department. This adds $8,961 to the contract price.

“These are little things that we missed on some of the drawings,” Commissioner Aultman said. “But this gets us up to exactly where we need.”

The board then heard as the Darke County Economic Development Director Mike Bowers introduced Todd Schilling, who has taken over the Career Connections position.

“I’m really excited to be a part of the Darke County Community now and helping build a pipeline for future employment here,” said Schilling.

At the end of the meeting, Commissioner Larry Holmes added that he met with Sheriff Whittaker and discussed the problems the DC Sheriff’s Department has been having with the phone system.

“What was most disturbing to me was how unresponsive Bright Speed is to critical services,” Commissioner Holmes said. “They kept 911 going, but the support services that come on the general line, they did not consider a priority and did not view as a critical need.”

Commissioner Homes stated that Bright Speed needs to commit to giving better support, or they will look into alternatives.