Commissioners Discuss New Poll Books 


The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday to discuss new poll books, a designation of the applicant’s agent, and an amendment to the Zoning Resolution Handbook.

Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The board approved Resolution (R-344-2023). This is a Fund advance of $13,950 to cover Dirt X Construction and Excavating project #2 Riffle and Green Streets in Greenville. This will be advanced back into the General Fund once the revenue is received from the 2022 Bldg. Demo. Revitalization Grant. 

The board then approved Resolution (R-345-2023), a fund advance back. This advances $135,000 from the 2022 CDBG Grant back into the General Fund. 

The board also approved a letter of recommendation, quote, and Resolution (R-347-2023) regarding new poll books. The letter came from the Director of Darke County Board of Elections, Paul Schlecty, advising for the funds to receive new poll books. After approving the letter, the board approved a quote from Electronic Systems and Software for the poll books and a six-year service plan for $171,294. The board then Approved Resolution (R-347-2023), which authorized the board to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ohio Secretary of State and the Darke County Board of Elections. 

“There is currently a program through the state for reimbursement for poll books up to $32,150,” Schlecty said. “The electronic poll books are little tablets that we use at the check-in at the polling location for voters to come in and register before they are issued their ballot. The current poll books were purchased in 2015. We expect poll books to last roughly six years. We like to get them on schedule between elections, so we always ensure we bring the best, newest product to voters.”

The board then heard from Mindy Saylor and approved Resolution (R-348-2023). This resolution is a designation of the applicant’s agent for the Federal Financial Assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. 

“This is for the five-year update of our Hazard Mitigation Plan,” said Saylor. “We are getting ready to update the plan as required by FEMA. This is just the beginning of the Grant process for the Commissioners to give me authorization to sign and accept the grant and start moving forward. We have been awarded a total cost of estimated $29,853.33. The federal share is $22,390, with an anticipated match of $8,250.” 

The board then approved Resolution (R-350-2023). This is a fund advance of $11,948.18 to cover Finfrock Construction pay app #2. This will be advanced back into the general fund once the revenue is received from the 2022 CDBG Grant. 

“This project is for the work being done for the sewage waterline in the Village of Gettysburg,” Commissioner Aultman said. 

The board also approved Resolution (R-354-2023). By the recommendation of the Darke County Zoning Board, this resolution adds “Section 520: Renewable Energy Systems-Requirements for Accessory Solar Energy Systems” to the Zoning Resolution Handbook. 

“What it amounts to is we cannot legally stop solar development in Darke County or any county in Ohio,” Curtis Yount of the Darke County Zoning Board said. “This is designed to make it taste better to the neighbors. Setbacks from property lines, screening, and this kind of stuff are all laid out in this document. Also, longterm care.” 

The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370