Commissioners discuss FHS and Sheriff Contract 


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday afternoon to discuss the County North Farm, appointments to the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services, and an agreement between Family Health Services and the Darke County Sheriff’s Department. 

Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The board approved fixing the date for Sealed bids for the County North Farm. The board will receive bids for the 93.7 acres of County North Farm until 1 pm on February 1 and will read them at 1:30 pm. This will be a three-year contract. 

“Every three years, we put our farm ground up for bid,” Commissioner Aultman said. “This is the north farm that’s located just behind the engineer’s garage up off of Children’s Home Bradford.”

The board then approved Resolution (R-24-2024). This is a transfer of appropriations for the Darke County Municipal Court. This transfers $26,429.03 to cover insurance and admin fees for 2024. 

The board also approved Resolution (R-26-2024). This is a fund advance for the Darke County Airport. This advances $70,918.38 to cover Buschur Electric pay application #6 for electrical vault work through 12/25/2023. This will be funded back once the revenue is received from the 2022 FAA AIP Grant. 

The board then approved two resolutions for appointments to the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services. The first, Resolution (R-27-2024), re-appoints Dennis Butts for a fourth term on the board. The second, Resolution (R-28-2024), appoints Chad Beanblossom for his first term on the board. They have four-year terms.

The board also approved an agreement between Family Health Services and the Darke County Sheriff’s Department for Healthcare Services for Jailed Inmates. This is a staffing plan based on a 42 average daily inmate population. Inmates requiring an office visit can be seen at Family Health Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, by Dr. Thomas Brown or one of his colleagues.  During each year of this agreement, the county will pay Family Health $1,166.66 monthly to provide clinical and medico-administrative services, which covers Dr. Thomas Brown as appointed jail physician, 24/7 call coverage, and policy review. 

“I used to work in corrections for Montgomery County and Darke County,” Commissioner Combs said. “We have a huge responsibility when you’re a corrections officer to look out for the well-being, safety, and health. … Having a system and a process to keep them healthy while they’re staying there is a really big deal.” 

The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370.