Commissioners Discuss DC Job and Family services and Fort Jefferson Sewer


The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday to discuss service agreements and additional funding for the Fort Jefferson Sewer District.

Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The board heard from the Director of Darke County Job and Family Services, Carla Allen, about two professional service agreements, one for medical services and another for clinical services, both for Michaels Resource and Treatment Center.

“It’s part of the Family First Prevention Services Act,” Allen said. “Residential facilities are required to be compliant with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services for the Qualified Residential Treatment Programs. This requires us to have a licensed nursing staff and a licensed clinical staff to provide care within the scope of their practice to be on-site to be consistent with our trauma-informed treatment model, and they must be available to our agency 24/7.”

The board approved these agreements.

The board also approved Resolution (R-291-2023). This is a three-step resolution (transfer of appropriations, revenue and appropriation decreases, and fund transfer) to put the county share of the 2021 Comm. Corrections Grant back into the General Fund now that the grant is completed. Both revenue and appropriation decreased by $110,829.50, and $23,289.87 was transferred into the General Fund.

The board then approved Resolution (R-292-2023). This resolution is for additional funding for Fort Jefferson Sewer.

“The first step was the planning, which we got funded last year for $25,000,” Aultman said. The next step is applying for design money. The total for design money is $240,000, which is what we are asking Ohio EPA for. You have to apply for it in a loan first. It’s a non-interest-bearing loan. Then typically, they take their dollars, and it becomes a grant after it’s awarded.”

At the end of the meeting, Marshall Combs discussed the Rural Plus Program through Miami University.

“This evening, some folks from Miami University are coming to present to some business owners and managers here in Darke County,” Combs said. “They are going to present their new Rural Plus program; it’s supposed to connect their students with internships and jobs here in Darke County and get the University of Miami connected to employment here in the county.”

The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370.