Cancer Association of Darke County – Annie Oakley Cancer Golf Tournament


It’s time again for the Annie Oakley Cancer Golf Tournament!

Our 41st Annual Outing for Men and Women will be held at the Turtle Creek Golf Course on
Monday, July 24, 2023.  Donation for each golfer will again be $125.00 and will include lunch and dinner. The donations will benefit The Cancer Association of Darke County and will include these fun packed activities:

18 holes of golf (including cart) – Scramble Format at 12:15 p.m. – (Shotgun Start)

 Lunch for Golfers starting at 11:15 a.m.

 Golf Skill Prizes including $32,500 toward the purchase of a new car or truck by
participating area auto dealer for golfers getting a HOLE-IN-ONE on #17. PLUS various other cash awards and prizes for winners.

Our Traditional Fine Dinner is provided for each golfer and a guest. Served at 5:30 (Catering by Michael) preceded at 5:00 with Cocktails (cash bar) and snacks.

If you would like to put together a team, please fill out the enclosed reservation form and return by July 8th. If you don’t have a team, just sign up and we will place you with a team.

City:____________________State:____________ Zip:________________
Phone: Business_______________________ Home_________________
Handicap________________ or average score______________________
I will need _____________reservations for Dinner Banquet at 5:30 p.m.
I plan to play with: Handicap or average Score
1:____________________________________ __________________
2:____________________________________ __________________
3: ____________________________________ __________________

Enclosed is $_______________ ($125 per golfer)

Mail to Annie Oakley Golf Tourney, PO Box 1070, Greenville, OH 45331

*Mulligans – $5 per golfer $20 per team

*Skin Game – $5 per golfer $20 per team

Mulligans and Skins can also be paid tournament day.