Blue Angels 4-H Club: End of Year Reports
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on February 13th at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by GraceLynn Harter, Reporter/Historian. Pledges were led by Blake Addis. Devotions were given by Julia Raffel. There were 13 members, 2 advisors, 7 parents, and 1 guest present.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. The motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Blake and seconded by Katelyn Yoder. The treasurer’s report was read by Daxton Harter. The community service report was given by Blake. A health report was given by Katelyn. She shared the importance of not eating too many sweets. A safety report was also given by Katelyn. She instructed us to be cautious of the different weather patterns.
Old business: 4-H enrollment is open. 4-H Committee will not be collecting fees once again. New Business: Club Dues are $5.00 per member. Enrollment deadline is April 1st. Project books are now $8.00 and are available at the extension office.
Announcements & Advisor Updates: Junior Fair has a new website and Facebook page. Take the Leap; Career Readiness Day registration is now open. Ohio Forestry and Conservation Camp will be held April 28-30 at Canter’s Cave in Jackson, OH. The deadline to register is April 1st. March 7th, from 6-8:30 pm, there will be a county-wide 4-H skate party at Skate Zone 805. Spring Recognition and Kick-Off will be held on Sunday, March 5th.
Julia made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Baleigh Cole. The next meeting will be held on March 20, 2023 at Faith Baptist Church from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. Members were instructed to bring a microwavable mug to the next meeting for an activity.
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on March 20th at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by Alivia Addis, Treasurer. Pledges were led by Alivia. Devotions were given by Rhonda Mckinnis. There were 13 members, 4 advisors, 6 parents, and 4 guests present. Refreshments were provided after the meeting by the Blue Angel 4-H Club.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. Motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Julia and seconded by Daxton Harter. The treasurer’s report was read by Alivia. The community service report was given by Amy Addis. A health report was given by Katelyn. She shared the importance of being aware of spreading germs. A safety report was also given by Katelyn. She shared about making sure you aren’t overworking yourself.
Old business: Club dues are due tonight. County enrollment needs to be completed by April 1st. The Ohio 4-H conference was held on March 11th and members GraceLynn and Daxton Harter shared with others their experience while attending. New Business: 4-H Event Youth Assistant applications are now available for ages 13-18 as of January 1st. Textile and clothing training are available for 4-H members. Ohio 4-H Photo Contest is available with Junior and Senior divisions. Make sure to select the correct code when enrolling Cloverbuds. Darke County Junior Fairboard currently has two available spots for 4-H representatives in the Youth Building.
Announcements & Advisor Updates: Outstanding 2022 officer books were recognized at the Spring Kick-Off. Gabby Spitzer – Secretary, Alivia Addis – Treasure, Blake Addis – Reporter. Blue Angels 4-H Club was also awarded the Gold Honor Club and The Healthy Challenge Award.
Daxton made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Jack Spitzer. The next meeting will be held on April 17, 2023 at JC Mining from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm. After the meeting was concluded, members had the opportunity to make a brownie in a mug. Recreation was conducted by Daxton, and the activity was the Picnic Game.
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on April 17th at JC Mining in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by Gabby Spitzer, President. Pledges were led by Daxton Harter. Devotions were given by Blake Addiss. There were 13 members, 4 advisors, 4 parents, and 1 guest present.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. Motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Daxton and seconded by Blake. The treasurer’s report was read by Gabby. The community service report was given by Blake. A health report was given by Katelyn Yoder. She said to always be aware of allergies. A safety report was also given by Katelyn. She instructed us on distracted driving.
Old Business: 4-H Event Youth Assistant Applications due by May 15th. Textile and Clothing training are available for 4-H members. Ohio 4-H Photo contest is now available with two divisions. New Business: Trash Bash April 22nd-23rd. Project requirements and guidelines are available on E-clover. Ohio State Fair non-livestock project judging available on e-clover. Darke County 4-H Camp registration is available with limited campership availability. Spirit EMS Bootcamp is a new opportunity being offered this year!
Announcements & Advisor Updates: Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council will be hosting an Earth Day Bingo for all Ohio 4-H programs.
Daxton made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by GraceLynn Harter. The next meeting will be held on June 12, 2023 at Me & PJ from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.
June 12th:
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on June 12th at Me & PJ in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by Gabby Spitzer, President. Pledges were led by GraceLynn Harter. No Devotions were given. There were 16 members, 2 advisors, 5 parents, and 5 guests present.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. Motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Daxton Harter and seconded by Jack Spitzer. The treasurer’s report was read by Alivia. The community service report was given by Amy Addis. A health report was given by Katelyn. She shared the importance of staying hydrated. A safety report was also given by Katelyn. She said to make sure we are putting on sunscreen and using SPF.
Old Business: A thank you card was sent to JC Mining on behalf of the club. New Business: Communications Contest Registration. Junior Fair King and Queen Contest. Darke County 4-H Scholarship. County and state project requirements are now available.
Announcements & Advisor Updates: Follow Darke Co. 4-H on Facebook for updates. Follow Junior Fair on Facebook. Food and Nutrition Review. Project Presentation Day July 14th.
GraceLynn made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Daxtpn. The next meeting will be held on June 24, 2023, at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, OH, from 9 am to noon. After the meeting was concluded, members had the opportunity to participate in some ceramic activities for recreation.
June 24th:
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on June 24th at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by Gabby Spitzer, President. Pledges were led by Julia Raffel. There were 15 members, 4 advisors, 5 parents, and 1 guest present.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. Motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Daxton Harter and seconded by Jack Spitzer. The treasurer’s report was read by Alivia Addis. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report as read was made by Julia and seconded by GraceLynn Harter. No Health and Safety report was given.
Old Business: A thank you card was sent to Me&PJ for hosting our previous meeting. All members were encouraged to look at county and state project requirements. The King and Queen contest is being held on July 11th. Cloverbud Fun Day was canceled. Follow Darke county JFB and 4-H on Facebook. New Business: Club Judging takes place on July 12th from 6-8:30 pm. Project Presentation Day will be held July 14th from 9-3 pm. All projects must be judged by July 14th. Sign-ups are available for Food and Nutrition Revue.
Announcements and Advisor Updates: 4-H Camp with Miami Co. was a success. Preble Co. has hired a new educator.
Daxton made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Julia. The next meeting will be held on July 12, 2023 at Faith Baptist Church from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.
The Blue Angels 4-H Club met on July 12th at Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, Ohio. The meeting was led by Gabby Spitzer, President. Pledges were led by Tony Spitzer. There were 15 members, 3 advisors, 6 parents, and 4 guests present.
The secretary’s report was read by Natalie Stacy. Motion to approve the secretary’s report as read was made by Blake Addis and seconded by Tony Spitzer. The treasurer’s report was read by Alivia Addis. The community service report was given by Blake Addis.
Old Business: All members were encouraged to look at county and state project requirements. The King and Queen contest is being held on July 11th. Cloverbud Fun Day was canceled. Follow Darke County JFB and 4-H on Facebook. Project Presentation Day will be held July 14th from 9-3 pm. All projects must be judged by July 14th. Sign-ups are available for Food and Nutrition Revue. New Business: Project Presentation Day will be held July 14th from 9-3 pm. Stuff-A-Bus is taking place on August 1st. Waiting on the club’s scheduled patrol time for the fair in the youth building. Bake-a-rama sign ups now available. GraceLynn and Daxton were both crowned the 2023 1st Runner-Ups for King and Queen. For anyone interested, revue cards can be turned into the secretary’s office at the fairgrounds.
Jack Spitzer made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Brilee Cole. The next meeting will be held on October 16, 2023 at Greenville Baptist from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, GraceLynn Harter
Interested in Blue Angels 4-H Club? Contact: Jennifer Richards (937)564-7209