DARKE COUNTY – Darke County Commissioners Administrative Clerk and Secretary, Robin Blinn has decided to retire after nearly 30 years.
Blinn began her journey with the Darke County Commissioner back in February of 1994, where she attained the position of Assistant Administrative Clerk and Secretary. She was then appointed to her current position as Administrative Clerk and Secretary in 2006.
As Assistant Clerk and Secretary, she was responsible for several tasks including receptionist and operator at the Commissioner’s front desk for the phone system, backing up Admin. Clerk and Secretary, and making appointments for the Board of Darke County Commissioners.
Currently as Admin. Clerk and Secretary she often prepares minutes after Commissioner sessions, journals minutes, prepares contracts, prepares resolutions, prepares letters, prepares documents for annexations, prepares ditch petitions, and any other duties she is assigned.
“I will miss my co-workers but hope to stay in contact with them and others that work for the county and community,” said Blinn.
Blinn shared that she is a people person and has enjoyed her many interactions with community members.
“We appreciate everything that Robin Blinn has done for Darke County for the past 30 years,” said Commissioner Aultman. “She’s been a part of many things over the years including the acquisition of the airport and the development of new buildings around the county.”
Commissioner Aultman also shared that she has been training the new and current Admin. Clerk and Secretary and Assistant Admin. Clerk and Secretary and has great faith that they will do well due to her teachings and her showing them the ropes of what their positions entail.
Blinn has had the opportunity to work with several Commissioners over the years and has earned their respect and appreciation for all that she has done while in her position.
“When I started with the county, I had no idea I would be here as long as I have. It’s all gone by so fast. Working for the county had been very beneficial. I’ve met a lot of great people and it’s been a wonderful place to work. I thank everyone for my time here,” expressed Blinn.
Blinn is someone who is always there to greet folks with a smile and a hello. Commissioners and community members will surely miss her in the office but wish her a Happy Retirement.