Tuesday, January 7, 2025 Basketball Scores
WOAC (Western Ohio Athletic Conference) Ansonia, Arcanum, Bradford, Dixie, Franklin Monroe, Mississinawa Valley, National Trail, Newton, Preble Shawnee, Tri-County North, Tri-Village, Twin Valley South
WOAC Girls
Fort Recovery 55, Ansonia 43
MVL (Miami Valley League) Butler, Fairborn, Greenville, Piqua, Sidney, Stebbins, Tippecanoe, Troy, West Carrollton, Xenia
MVL Girls
MVL Boys
Sidney 67, Greenville 44
Troy 47, Piqua 27
Butler 42, Tippecanoe 36
MAC (Midwest Athletic Conference) Anna, Coldwater, Delphos St. John’s, Fort Recovery, Marion Local, Minster, New Bremen, New Knoxville, Parkway, St. Henry, Versailles
MAC Girls
Minster 45, Celina 26
Paulding 57, St. John’s 33
MAC Boys
Versailles 61, St. Mary’s 34
Coldwater 67, New Knoxville 31
Marion Local 63, Botkins 36
TRC (Three Rivers Conference) Bethel, Covington, Lehman Catholic, Miami East, Milton-Union, Northridge, Riverside, Troy Christian
TRC Girls
TRC Boys
Northridge 65, Milton-Union 30
GWOC (Greater Western Ohio Conference) Beavercreek, Centerville, Fairmont, Miamisburg, Northmont, Springboro, Springfield, Wayne
GWOC Girls
Richmond, IN 62, Northmont 46
Miamisburg 28, Edgewood 18
St. Xavier 64, Beavercreek 32
Centerville 51, Springboro 41
Trotwood-Madison 86, Springfield 73
SCAL (Shelby County Athletic League) Anna, Botkins, Fairlawn, Fort Loramie, Houston, Jackson Center, Russia
SCAL Girls
Fort Loramie 65, Houston 38
Anna 48, Jackson Center 15
Russia 60, Fairlawn 32
Marion Local 63, Botkins 36
SWBL (Southwestern Buckeye League) Bellbrook, Brookville, Carlisle, Eaton Edgewood, Franklin, Middletown Madison, Monroe, Oakwood, Ross, Valley View, Waynesville
SWBL Girls
Miamisburg 28, Edgewood 18
Oakwood 61, Brookville 55
Harrison 52, Monroe 51
WBL (Western Buckeye League) Bath, Celina, Defiance, Elida, Kenton, Ottawa-Glandorf, Shawnee, St. Marys, Van Wert, Wapakoneta
WBL Girls
Bryan 46, Van Wert 41
Ottawa-Glandorf 54, Columbus Grove 39
Minster 45, Celina 26
Ottoville 58, Bath 18
Bluffton 47, Shawnee 25
Spencerville 39, St. Mary’s 36
Wapakoneta 43, Jefferson 38
WBL Boys
Disclaimer: All teams and scores are posted from dependable online resources. If you notice any inaccurate scores or missing teams, please email our Sports Department at [email protected] and we will do our best to update the Roundup post.