Basketball Roundup – Dec. 28, 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024 Basketball Scores

Truman Knaus goes strong to the basket for Arcanum at Saturday night game vs Bradford at Covington Holiday Basketball Tournament. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Basketball Roundup 

Saturday, December 28, 2024 Basketball Scores

WOAC  (Western Ohio Athletic Conference)   Ansonia, Arcanum, Bradford, Dixie, Franklin Monroe, Mississinawa Valley, National Trail, Newton, Preble Shawnee, Tri-County North, Tri-Village, Twin Valley South

WOAC Girls

Chaminade Julienne 64, Tri-Village 59
Tri-County North 49, Eaton 40
Covington 42, Arcanum 37
Houston 55, Bradford 23
Riverside 45, Newton 36


Arcanum 54, Bradford 30
Franklin Monroe 42, Belmont 33
Newton 58, Triad 31
Dixie 54, Carroll 38
Preble Shawnee 38, Meadowdale 31
Lehman Catholic 61, Mississinawa Valley 35
Celina 66, Ansonia 38

MVL  (Miami Valley League) Butler, Fairborn, Greenville, Piqua, Sidney, Stebbins, Tippecanoe, Troy, West Carrollton, Xenia

MVL Girls

Tippecanoe 52, Versailles 44
Stebbins 64, Xenia 27
Butler 49, Sidney 39

MVL Boys

Miamisburg 43, Fairborn 27
Versailles 64, Tippecanoe 45
Bellefontaine 68, Piqua 38
Versailles 64, Tippecanoe 45

MAC  (Midwest Athletic Conference)   Anna, Coldwater, Delphos St. John’s, Fort Recovery, Marion Local, Minster, New Bremen, New Knoxville, Parkway, St. Henry, Versailles

MAC Girls

Tippecanoe 52, Versailles 44
Marion Local 47, Fort Recovery 37
Tippecanoe 52, Versailles 44
Bath 40, Coldwater 33

MAC Boys

Minster 69, Anna 46
Marion Local 64, Fort Recovery 43
Parkway 47, Grandview Heights 43
Coldwater 68, Wapakoneta 48
New Knoxville 49, Temple Christian 37
Elida 70, New Bremen 53

TRC  (Three Rivers Conference)   Bethel, Covington, Lehman Catholic, Miami East, Milton-Union, Northridge, Riverside, Troy Christian

TRC Girls

Covington 42, Arcanum 37
Riverside 45, Newton 36

TRC Boys

Lehman Catholic 61, Mississinawa Valley 35
Northridge 70, Worthington Christian 55
Houston 62, Covington 56

GWOC  (Greater Western Ohio Conference)   Beavercreek, Centerville, Fairmont, Miamisburg, Northmont, Springboro, Springfield, Wayne

GWOC Girls

Springboro 71, Doral Academy 52
Walnut Hills 54, Centerville 42


Miamisburg 43, Fairborn 27
Springfield 74, Kenton Ridge 49
Wayne 62, Dublin Coffman 42

SCAL  (Shelby County Athletic League)   Anna, Botkins, Fairlawn, Fort Loramie, Houston Jackson Center, Russia

SCAL Girls

Lincolnview 61, Anna 44
Russia 63, Botkins 32
Fort Loramie 61, Jackson Center 13
Houston 57, Bradford 24


Minster 69, Anna 46
Houston 62, Covington 56
Russia 72, Troy Christian 46

SWBL  (Southwestern Buckeye League)   Bellbrook, Brookville, Carlisle, Eaton Edgewood, Franklin, Middletown Madison, Monroe, Oakwood, Ross, Valley View, Waynesville

SWBL Girls

George Rogers Clark 66, Waynesville 44
Brookville 63, Middletown Christian 42


Brookville 61, Ponitz 38
Turpin 59, Ross 40
Oakwood 55, Washington Court House 44

Disclaimer: All teams and scores are posted from dependable online resources. If you notice any inaccurate scores or missing teams, please email our Sports Department at [email protected] and we will do our best to update the Roundup post.