AWTHS to present “Pitsburg Memories”


September 16 at 10 am at Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society in Arcanum, Annette Stewart, fellow AWTHS volunteer and lifetime Monroe Township resident, will talk about various Pitsburg businesses through the years. From interviewing other residents, looking at school yearbook ads, and researching newspaper articles, we plan to present our findings and have discussion while encouraging others to share their memories and stories of living and shopping in Pitsburg.

Please note this is a change from the previous September 14 date!

Did you know Pitsburg had a skating rink upstairs? A funeral home? Several robberies?

Please plan to be a part of the program and bring your photos and memorabilia to share for viewing. Copies are encouraged and can be brought as well for the AWTHS archive file. follow our FB event for updates and photos!

AWTHS is looking for residents and the Pitsburg community to write their memories and stories of Pitsburg. We have a list of questions to help prompt the memory. For example, what years did you live or attend school in Pitsburg? What businesses did you frequently shop at? Anything funny or unusual stand out in your recollection? Email [email protected] for a complete list as well as send your story to this email attention Annette Stewart. Or bring to the September program.

We’ve had several residents share their memories on our blogs:

We also are working on updating our Pitsburg history binder of photos, ads and stories for the AWTHS archives library. Plan to visit during open hours to check it out. Hours are the First Saturday Morning of each month from 9am-noon. See our web site and FB page for details.