INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – The Arcanum MVCTC FFA attended the 97th National FFA Convention which was held in Indianapolis Indiana October 23-26. This year’s convention was attended by more than 74,000 FFA members, teachers, and guests from across the country.
The four-day convention included Powerful Speakers, National Agricultural Career Show, National Officer Retiring Addresses, Award Presentations and the installation of six newly elected National Officers. Convention activities included attending several convention sessions where members were inspired by motivational speakers such as the 2023-24 National FFA Officers and keynote speaker Temple Grandin.
Attendees enjoyed touring the National FFA Center and the Abbott’s Candies during the trip. In between a busy convention schedule, students were able to attend the Annual FFA National Career Show at the Indiana Convention Center. The career show hosted more than 400 booths from a variety of colleges, agricultural-related companies, fundraising organizations, U.S. Armed Services and auto and truck manufacturers.
Arcanum FFA Graduates Landon Haney, Tyler Huber, Nick Sharritts, and Carson Tegtmeyer received the American FFA Degree. The American FFA Degree is the highest degree awarded by the National FFA Organization and recognizes members’ ability to demonstrate leadership abilities and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing, and service programs. Landon, Tyler, Nick and Carson received a gold American FFA Degree key and a certificate to commemorate the achievement.
The highlight of the trip was American Degree Recipient Landon Haney being named the American Star in Agribusiness. The American Star Awards represent the best of the best among thousands of American FFA Degree recipients. The award recognizes FFA members who have developed outstanding agricultural skills and competencies by completing a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). An SAE is a required activity in FFA and allows members to learn by doing. Members can own and operate an agricultural business, intern at an agricultural business, or conduct an agriculture-based scientific experiment and report the results.