Arcanum FFA Banners in grain merchandising

Members of the Arcanum MVCTC FFA Grain Merchandising Team that competed in the State Finals were (L to R) Katelynne Michael, Brooke Anderson, Carrie Denlinger, and Ethan Hartman. 


ARCANUM—Arcanum MVCTC FFA members recently competed in the Ohio FFA Grain Merchandising Contest.  The purpose of the Grain Merchandising Contest is to stimulate interest in the area of grain merchandising and to make students aware of the complex decision-making process associated with merchandising agricultural products.

Arcanum MVCTC FFA members, Katelynne Michael, Seth Fearon, Jacob Flayler, Brooke Anderson, Carrie Denlinger, Ethan Hartman, Caleb Hartman, Carson Tegtmeyer, Emilie Fout, Ayden Hess and Lance Brinksneader completed the online test portion of the contest on January 24.

During the online test students were given 50 general knowledge questions about Grain Merchandising and five problem solving questions. The questions included puts, calls, basis, and hedging.

The team finished in the top 10 in the State and qualified for the State Finals on April 4th.  Katelynne, Brooke, Carrie and Ethn traveled to Wilmington College where they completed a simulation where they were tasked with marketing 20,000 bushels of grain across a calendar year using different grain marketing contracts.

At the end of the contest the team from Arcanum was fourth in the State.  Katelynne was 2nd place individual and Brooke was 10th place individual in the State. The team members would like to thank Janelle Brinksneader for coaching the team.