Friday, July 26, 2024

Ansonia FFA banquet ‘spreads like wildfire’


ANSONIA— “Spreading Agriculture Like Wildfire” was the theme of the 86th annual Ansonia FFA banquet on April 20.
FFA President Makayla Stachler welcomed guests and Kody Schlechty provided the blessing for the banquet meal.

Guest speaker for the evening was Dalton Mullins, state FFA vice president at-large. A senior at Miami Trace High school, he spoke on his experience in becoming a leader.

“You work harder than everybody and outrank those before you,” he said. “I made an impact in lacrosse. It doesn’t matter where you start or the talents you are born with. All it takes is for you to find your talents. Natural talent is so special. Work ethic is important. I improve myself one step everyday.”

Among the fruit sale winners recognized were, from left, Carl Schlechty, Kaeden Waymire, Kody Schlechty and Austin Singer. (Krista Waymire photo)

The major highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards and honoring the recipients.

Service awards went to Bob Mayo and Taylor and Joanne Stuck. FFA alumni members were also recognized. They are Charles Prasuhn, Robert Christman, Jennifer Knick, Brad Lentz, Justin Shuttleworth, Darrel Thornhill and the Schlechty family (Kyle, Amber, Craig and Jen).

It was mentioned that Carrie Rhoades was the National Proficiency Winner in Dairy Production Entrepreneurship, and that Sophia Aultman was a state FFA band member.

Austin Singer was named Star Greenhand.

Eleven members received SAE degrees. They were Troy Stuck, Austin Singer, Sophia Aultman (three), Nick Barga, Wyatt Bubeck, Connor Williams, Avalon Locke, Kaeden Waymire and Makayla Stachler.

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The degrees were in Ag Maintenance and Repair, Ag Processing, Beef Production, Diversified Horticulture, Grain Production, Goat Production, Nursery Operations, Poultry Production (two), Small Animal Production and Care and Vegetable Production.

Top salespersons in the Winter Fruit Sale were Dylan Runner, first; Austin Singer, second; and Kody Schlechty, third.

Top salespersons in the Spring Fruit Sale were Kody Schlechty first, Kaeden Waymire second and Kyle Schlechty third.

Various members were recognized as CDE participants in Ag Power and Diagnostics, Advanced Parliamentary Procedure;Advanced Parliamentary Procedure, General Livestock Judging for high school and middle school; Extemporaneous Public Speaking; Creed Speaking; and Equine Judging.

Recognized were following members: Matthew Barga, silver rating for his secretary book; Sophia Aultman, a silver rating for treasurer book; and Avalyn Locke, bronze rating, for reporter book.

A district award went to Austin Singer, who placed second in creed speaking.

County Award winners were Zoey Elson, third in Extemporaneous Public Speaking; Austin Singer, first, in Creed Speaking; and Nick Barga, second place and Kody Schlechty in Ag Power and Diagnostics.

The FFA’s greenhand degree recipients are: Mathieu Baldridge, Aidan Barber, Emma Brown, Callie Carter, Jaylynn Falknor, Addison Geyer, Angela Grace Graf, Keelan Highley, Oden Hoening, Kensey Homan, Elly Locke, Jenna Nass, Lexie Osterloh, London Reichert, Caleb Schlechty, Austin Singer, Taysen Stewart, Louis Unrast, Wyatt Unrast and Bre’ana Walker.

Chapter degree recipients are: Sophia Aultman, Wyatt Bubeck, Avalyn Locke, Jayda Mangen, Carl Schlechty and Conner Williams.

There are 15 seniors in the organization this year. Recognized for five-year memberships were Garrett Brown, Levi Gasper, Will Kammer, Owen Locke, Devin McKenna, Exzaviar Moody and Logan Wright. Others are Nathan Armock, Makayla Burtis, Kadyn Edwards, Autumn Everman, Mason Grilliot, Kaden Lane, Seth Petitjean and Ian Schmitmeyer.

New officers for the Ansonia FFA for 2023-24 have been selected. They are President Makayla Stachler (incumbent); Vice President Sophia Aultman; Secretary Avalyn Locke; Assistant Secretary Jayda Mangen, Treasurer Carl Schlechty; Assistant treasurer Kierra Spencer; Reporter Ben Barnt; Sentinel Kody Schlechty; Student Advisor Austin Singer; Historian Kensey Homan; Parliamentarian Troy Stuck; and Chaplain Kaeden Waymire. (Krista Waymire photo)

New officers were installed as follows: President Makayla Stachler (incumbent); Vice President Sophia Aultman; Secretary Avalyn Locke; Assistant Secretary Jayda Mangen, Treasurer Carl Schlechty; Assistant treasurer Kierra Spencer; Reporter Ben Barnt; Sentinel Kody Schlechty; Student Advisor Austin Singer; Historian Kensey Homan; Parliamentarian Troy Stuck; and Chaplain Kaeden Waymire.

Last year’s officers were: Makayla Stachler, Vice President Garrett Brown, Secretary Matthew Barga, Treasurer Sophia Aultman, Reporter Avalyn Locke; Sentinel Jayda Mangen, Student Advisor Benjamin Barnt, Historian Carl Schlechty; Parliamentarian Conner Williams; and Chaplain Kody Schlechty.

In her closing presidential remarks, Makayla Stachler thanked everyone who helped out in the program.

“We had many laughs and I wish you success in years to come,” she concluded.
