Ansonia Elementary Students of the Month — Zoie Partin and Abe Hibner


ANSONIA—The December students of the month for the Ansonia Elementary School are fourth graders Zoie Partin and Abe Hibner.

Zoie is a great role model to her peers. Caring, hardworking, and polite are a few ways to describe what a wonderful student she is. Zoie always has a smile on her face, and she always tries her best, even when the skills are hard.

Abe is a great leader both in and out of the classroom. November’s character trait was perseverance, and Abe fits that trait perfectly.

Whenever we learn a new concept, Abe works hard and perseveres until he understands the topic. He is not afraid to ask for help, and he is always willing to help others. Keep up the good work! Congratulations Zoie and Abe!